• Messing up at a show!

    So lately, I have had a few concerts and shows, and of course I messed up! Some of you may know that I play the cello, but I've also messed up in my circus show. Before I talk about anything, I'd like to say that circus school isn't about clowns and stuff like that, but more like flying yoga, trapeze... Anyways, today's article is just going to explain to you how to act when you make an mistake during a show.


    So, if you're in an orchestra or in a band, you may have gotten lost during rehearsals. But, what will happen if you get lost during the actual concert? Here are some tips:

    1. Don't panic! Just make it seem as if you didn't mess up, which means that your facial shouldn't change and you shouldn't look around you wondering what to do, otherwise, the public will notice it.

    2. Stop. If you continue playing but you're lost, the music is just going to sound weird and bad. Just wait for a break during the piece, to just find yourself again.

    3. Don't let these minor mistakes get in your way and keep a huge smile on your face!happy

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    Activities involving sports

    When you're doing sports and you mess up during the show you're presenting, it's not the end of the world! Here are some tips to go through the show with minor mistakes and still nailing it!

    1. Don't panic! Actually don't panic in general! I'm not gonna justify myself for why panicking is a bad idea!

    2. Take a deep breath and get back up! Hey, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger!

    3. Don't let these mistakes disappoint you, you're still rocking it!


    Résultat de recherche d'images pour "flying yoga"

    Well that's all I've got for you guys today, and I'll write you people very soon! See you!cool

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